Kevin Welch (USA) & Heath Cullen
Kevin Welch (USA) & Heath Cullen
Code One presents..

Kevin Welch (USA) & Heath Cullen

Royal Hotel Queanbeyan (RHQ) (Queanbeyan, NSW)
Sunday, 16 March 2025 2:00 pm
36 days away
18 Plus

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Call the venue to book your table for lunch or dinner in the award-winning bistro downstairs, open 12pm-9pm - 02 6297 1444 // DOORS OPEN 2pm
General Admission
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Kevin Welch's career as a recording artist and producer spans four decades. He is known worldwide for his solo work, his collaborations with The Dead Reckoners, The Flood, and Kane/Welch/Kaplin — his legendary trio with Kieran Kane and Fats Kaplin which was nominated two years in a row for Best Group by the Americana Music Association. He has written songs for Roger Miller, Waylon Jennings, The Highwaymen, Solomon Burke, Linda Ronstadt, Patty Loveless, and many others.

Over the last decade, Heath Cullen has crafted four landmark albums and earned a trail of devotees across his native Australia, the UK, Europe and North America. As a singer, songwriter, producer, and multi-instrumentalist, he has collaborated on stage and in the studio with a vast array of artists, including Jolie Holland, Marc Ribot, Joe Henry, Elvis Costello’s Imposters and The Waifs, and his music has been recorded by artists as diverse as Michael Menager and Daniel Lanois.

This tour sees the two artists together on stage in genuine musical conversation, showcasing masterful songwriting and musicianship in an intimate and impromptu song-swap setting. Don’t miss it!
